Spec:Retribution OS Holy
Armoury link:
Mining 450/BS 450 got all icc and epic recipes
Why are u applying to Revenant:
Becouse this is very good raid guild and i am sure to play funny with ppl from REVENANT
Is there anyone in Revenant who can vouch for you:
idk i am played very ppl
Previous guild. Why did u leave/ got kicked:
Emparors Children/ I leave cuz many players are uneperianced
What raiding experience you have:
icc10 icc 25 ulduar ToC and many raids from classic wow and TBC
What kind of PC and connection do you have:
Its good configuration.CPU-dual core 2x2.2GHZ 4gb ram 512 video
We raid 3 times a week; tuesdays, thursdays and sundays and we require people to atleast raid these days. Can you raid these days?:
yes i can raid every day
Do you speak and understand english since this is the langauge spoken during raid?
yes i speak and understand very good english
Can you handle critisism and do you use this to improve your general performance?
yes if its good for raid grp
Tell us something about yourself: Remember this is the first impression we get from you so make it worth it. I am very good and funny person.I love to play this game and listen electronic music