Name: Tinek
Class: Paladin
Spec: Retribution
Armoury link:
Professions: mining(450) - JC(450)
Why are u applying to Revenant:Because you are a nice progressing and friendly guild and ibelieve i'll fit in very well! I know my class and im good in what i do!
Is there anyone in Revenant who can vouch for you: Hrco
Previous guild. Why did u leave/ got kicked: Ad Astra Per Aspera - They are more of a social guild so i left / Zohari(current) - I dont like the atmospher ethere, ppl are cocky and fight all the time and the progress isnt rly good.
What raiding experience you have:
WotLK: Naxx 10/25 clear, OS 10/25 clear, EoE 10/25 clear, Ulduar..hardly anything..Was on holiday, ToC 10/25 clear, ToGC 10/25 5/5 // 4/5, ICC 10 11/12, ICC 25 8/12
What kind of PC and connection do you have:My PC is good, nice fps and my connection is stable and almost never DC's
We raid 3 times a week; tuesdays, thursdays and sundays and we require people to atleast raid these days. Can you raid these days?:
Yes, that suits me
Do you speak and understand english since this is the langauge spoken during raid?
Yeah i do.
Can you handle critisism and do you use this to improve your general performance?
I learn quick and i can handle if someone tells me that is suck or something..
Tell us something about yourself:im 25 and im from a proffesional driver and i love my epix XD