Personal InformationName: Peter H
Age: 18 years old.
Sex: Male
Nationality: Swedish
Playing times: GMT +1 Playing pretty much every day, for 6~ hours at least, unless I'm busy. Weekends I usually play more.
Character InformationRealm: Darksorrow EU
Name: Szarqa
Class: Warrior
Race: Undead
Spec: Protection
/played: 21 days, 12 hours, 37 minutes.
Proffesions: Mining and Blacksmithing.
Armory: I pretty recently began playing WoW again, after having sold my account, so I don't have any alts anymore.
UI:, I like to keep it as simple as possible for the best performance.
My Spec (0/0/0) Why? Gems & GlyptsWell, since the (0/0/0) doesn't apply anymore, I chose to go with Juggernaut as my first, simply because It's the best, no need to get into details. Next I chose Second Wind, It's good for when you receive high damage and need a little extra healing, I swap between that and Enraged Regeneration depending on the situation. Thirdly, I chose Disrupting Shout, an AoE silence is gold! My fourth talent is Shockwave, AoE Stun along with some damage is very good in many situations. Fifth I chose Vigilance, I assume It would be the best for raiding. I tried Mass Spell Reflection aswell, but It's more of an 5-man Instance talent than a raid one. Lastly, I chose Storm Bolt, simply because of It's low cooldown ranged stun ability, aswell as some extra damage against bosses.
I use Glyph of Gag Order, because it's a great way to pull spellcasters aswell as interrupt something. I also use Glyph of Unending Rage and Bull Rush to maintain a higher rage-pool so that I can get better threat and damage.
MY UI:I use Bartender4, DBM, Tidy Plates, Titan Panels, Quartz, Grid and Omen Threat Meter.
Technical InformationIntel Core i7-2600 3.40GHz, 8000 MB RAM. 30mb/s, getting 100mb/s once they start it up.
About my IRL LifeMy name is Peter, I am 18 years old. I live in a small village called Alfta, in Sweden. I'm generally positive, but I can be a bitch too under the right circumstances
I'm currently in college, which would be the main reason for not playing early mornings etc, I also spend time with my girlfriend, which sometimes stops me from playing certain days, however, not on set raid days, since she's aware of that.
GuildsI've been in Lorekeepers 2 years back when I played Alliance, also I used to be an officer in the PvP guild Role Models, perhaps someone recognises me as Meganfoxqt? Oh well. Used to be in a guild with all my IRLs, called Solace Demands, an alliance guild aswell.
Also some finnish guild that Jacktrapper ran during the start of Cataclysm, I can't seem to remember the name of it tho. I am currently in Giddyup, so that I can abuse their perks
My Progression12/12 10m HC, 12/12 25m HC LK after nerf, ToC full clear, Naxxramas full clear, been dipping in and out of Ulduar, not really achieving anything specific. And after killing Ragnaros 10m normal I quit untill MoP.
My WoW Goals?Honestly, I just want to have fun, and have a good looking character
Why This Class and Role? I've been playing all classes during my time in WoW, ever since start of TBC, but I guess I just got stuck with Warriors, they're so amazing, brutal and fearless. I like tanking because I feel like an important person in the group, who can make a huge difference.
Why Revenant?I want to share my thoughts, experience and fun with a group of individuals that are sharing my dedication. Nowdays there are no good guilds on Darksorrow, which is sad, and I think you guys will be the perfect crew!
Contact, Szarqa[IGN],[Real-ID]
Thanks in advance!