Name: Cyclonen
Class: Druid
Spec: Feral Tank
Armoury link: Enchanting/JC
Why are u applying to Revenant: Because i've been so tired of making pugs with my chars, and i always end up with ppl wiping the shitt out of Lord Marrowgar and stuff, so i rather go further then the first quarter :p. and i heard that Revenant is making alt runs and i thought i might be able to jump in and help out with something or meet some nice people. ive been playing with some few ppl from Revenant before, Cleanse i know awhile ago, i used to make raids and inv her alott, cant figure out some more ppl atm, but Deform told me to make an apply, so im here
Is there anyone in Revenant who can vouch for you: I hope Cleanse and Deform might Vouch for me.
Previous guild. Why did u leave/ got kicked: I got my own guild atm, while ago i was in a raiding guild, reason i left was because no1 in that guild had interest in doing ICC with the guild, ppl always said they were saved and shitt, so i left.. but that guild i was with my shammy. druid always been in my own guild,
What raiding experience you have: i manage to kill Festergut + Rotface, they are rly easy actualy, but always skipped Professor and went to Dreamwalker and killed her, well not killed her but u know ^^, that is as far as i got =/.
What kind of PC and connection do you have: Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q9300 @ 2.50GHz (4 CPUs), 4,00GB ram, Nvidia GeForce 9800 GTX/9800 GTX+, Hard Drive on 1TB. Connection is 100mb, highest you could get atm what i know =).
We raid 3 times a week; tuesdays, thursdays and sundays and we require people to atleast raid these days. Can you raid these days?: I have nothing to do all day so i got the time to atleast go 2 or 3 times a wheek, maybe more.
Do you speak and understand english since this is the langauge spoken during raid? i can understand mostly everything. i got good grades on english and i study alott english. so i have no prob with english =).
Can you handle critisism and do you use this to improve your general performance? I can take it np! if i do something wrong, i will dirrectly change what im doing wrong and do it better.
Tell us something about yourself: Remember this is the first impression we get from you so make it worth it. im 21y old guy, got my own apartment, got 4 80s atm. Rogue,Druid,Hunter,Shaman. all chars got some decent gear, and if you need any of the other chars i got, i could link armory and u can take a look, i also got lots of proffesions on my chars, so i could help out with making stuff for the guild with no fee ofc! and i might be able to help out ppl with raids and stuff if needed! i would like to help the guild as much as possible if i got the time for it that is!
Think that is all from me, i hope you will contact me soon ingame or here
. Take care, <3