Name: Wraithier
Class: Deathknight
Spec: Blood/Frost&Undholly
What is your experience with your offspec, and are you willing to play that in some raids should the guild require it to get the perfect setup for harder content?:
I can do any boss with any specc.
Armoury link: On the forum toolbar, make sure you click the link button and add your amourt link that way, otherwise it wont show. You also have to register with the forum to post links. Gear must be suitable for the current raiding content, we are not here to gear you up. (currently in tanking specc, but all my gear setups are around 400+ilvl)
In regards to gear, are you willing to have your current gear maxed out in the way of gemming and enchanting, even if it is not the BiS piece?
I am always maxed out as much as I can afford, ofcourse there are limits to how bad gear you will max out.
Professions, and why did you take these?:
Blacsmithing 525/525, chose this for the socket bonuses + making gear and money for guildies and myself.
Jewelcrafting, I think the chimeras eye jewels are pretty importent and goes well with blacksmithing
Why are you applying to Revenant?:
Second best guild on DS, and seemed alot more active then my current guild FW.
Is there anyone in Revenant who can vouch for you?:
Don't think so.
Previous guild(s), and why you were kicked, or why you left:
Framewalkers: Inactive
What raiding experience you have, be as detailed as possible:
Uhm, started raiding in Wotlk, (pvp in tbc) got semi-hardcore and downed 8/12 HC down, them in Cata I got into the guild Framewalkers early on and got 12/13 HC in the first raid (killed sinestra a little late) then 7/7 Rag HC server second kill and now 7/8Heroic in Dragonsoul before all the nerfs.
What kind of PC and connection do you have? (average FPS and MS in raids?):
My fps is like 100+ and my internet connection is always fine, I never go over 40 MS really.
Our current raid nights are Thursday, Sunday and Tuesday (19.45-23.30 server time), will you be able to attend most, or all of these nights?:
All of the nights.
Do you speak and understand English clearly, as this will be the language used to communicate in the raids?:
Yes, i speak very clearly and understand perfectly, communication is a contributing factor for me getting into Framewalkers core-raiding group.
Can you handle constructive critisism and do you use this to improve your general performance?:
Yes, always.
Link to a screenshot of your UI:
My UI differs from time to time, if it really is that importent I can send it to you later,
Tell us something about yourself, this is the first impression we get of you, so take this as a good opportunity to make your application shine.
Well, I'm a little swede who is 18 y,o and I love the thrill of downing bosses getting gear etc, but raiding is nothing if you can't have a good laugh while raiding. And that's why being able to focus on raiding with a smile on your face is pretty much the most importent quality in a raider imo. It helps fighting fatigue when you are progress raiding and fights the urge to rage after a bad wipe, helps taking in the constructive critisism and bond with the raid. peace out!