Protection / arms.
What is your experience with your offspec, and are you willing to play that in some raids should the guild require it to get the perfect setup for harder content?:
I am quite experienced with both arms and fury, and can play both to a high level. Yes i am willing to change my spec in order to get a boss down. Also, if you have anything to add on my spec, please say so and i will think about it.
Armoury link: On the forum toolbar, make sure you click the link button and add your amourt link that way, otherwise it wont show. You also have to register with the forum to post links. Gear must be suitable for the current raiding content, we are not here to gear you up.
In regards to gear, are you willing to have your current gear maxed out in the way of gemming and enchanting, even if it is not the BiS piece?
Yes, ofcourse. anything to max my perfomance is considered a requirement.
Professions, and why did you take these?:
Iwe got alchemy and engineering. Alchemy for the trinket and easy flasking, engineering for goggles and parachute/shield & increased strenght.
Why are you applying to Revenant?:
i' applying because atm, im looking for a guild like yours. a stable raiding guild with experienced players, that is progressing through HC content. I myself, am quite serious when it comes to raiding, and i excpect you to be aswell. Even though having fun is also a requirement, i still expect people to be able to shape up and focus, which i think you guys are.
Is there anyone in Revenant who can vouch for you?:
Dagorath, i believe. he's a cutie <3
Previous guild(s), and why you were kicked, or why you left:
I have been in FFG and Stormlords. left FFG because i faction changed at that time, and stormlord because they stopped raiding for a while. The last month iwe been in a guild called malice, and i left that because of a major private fight with one of the officers :b
What raiding experience you have, be as detailed as possible:
Gruuls lair cleared
Maghteridons lair cleared.
Kara cleared.
ZA cleared.
Cleared till council in BT on my paladin.
Naxx: Cleared 10/25.
Ulduar 10/25 : Cleared 10-man, killed first 3 wings 25-man including loads of the achievements in 10-man.
Trial of the crusader: Cleared 10/25 normal and cleared 10-man insanity. 3/5 25man HC.
Icecrown Citadel: Cleared ICC10 on my rogue with 10/12 HC’s, cleared 11/12 HC 10-man on my paladin and cleared ICC25 normal on 3 different chars. My rogue, priest and paladin. Done 8/12 HC’s 25man pre cata.
in Cataclysm iwe killed 9/12 bosses and had tries on both Nefarian, Cho'gall and Al'akir. Knows the tactics for every last phase, so there should be no problem killing thoose.
What kind of PC and connection do you have? (average FPS and MS in raids?):
i'm not really the big pc nerd. my sisters husband bought me this computer which works out really great for me. my average fps is about 75 and my ms is down to about 50-100.
Our current raid nights are Thursday, Sunday and Tuesday, will you be able to attend most, or all of these nights?:
Yes, i should be able to attend to all of thoose raids.
Do you speak and understand English clearly, as this will be the language used to communicate in the raids?:
Yes, i speak fluent english, and study language on last year.
Can you handle constructive critisism and do you use this to improve your general performance?:
yes i can. as long as it's constructive.
Link to a screenshot of your UI: