Hi again and sorry for the first one, I didn't read the forum and I didn't see the guild application guide. But now I will post a new application.
Name: Zdevk
Class: Druid
Spec: Balance
Experience with offspec I don't got so much experience with my off spec in Cata, but I heal dungeon HC.
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/darksorrow/zdevk/advanced(I have my fishing gear on right now, but I have a enginering head, epic weapon and epic off hand. I also hade power torrent on my weapon.)
Professions: Engineering, it's good because I get a nice head and some good enchants. I also have tailoring to get gold and i use fishing to get gold.
Why I applying: Because I changed realm to Darksorrow and I need a nice guild.
Anyone in Revenant who can vouch for me: No, but one of my friends applied for just some minutes ago.
Previous guild: I was in a guild on the realm I was on before and they liked me, I left because I changed realm.
Raiding experience: I can every tactics in normal and I will ofc look up HC tactics if needed.
My PC and connection: I got a Intel Core i7 2600K, 8 GB of RAM, AMD 6950 graphic card and a fast Corsair Force 240GB SSD. My connection is 24 Mbit/s and I got about 50-100 ms when I play.
Raid nights: I can every day of them, but what time is them?
Speak and understand English: Yes, not super good but nearly always.
Handle constructive critisism: Ofc I can take constructive critisism and I improve my performance with it.
Screenshot of my UI: