Name: Mcbeefy
Class: Druid
Spec: Resto 8/0/33
Armoury link:
McbeefyProffesions: Enchanting 500 & LW 440 (planning to replace the later mentioned with something fun)
Why are u applying to Revenant: Migrated to the horde side just before Cataclysm and now I’m looking for a PvE guild. Revenant seems like the match for me, not to many raids /week and not to few.
Previous guild. Why did u leave/ got kicked:
Forgotten Heroes, disbanded before lk 25 normal kill
Solis Rise, was a short trip in there due retartet officers.
Addendum, left due slacking during the raids and the officers lacked responsibility and respect for the raiders
Lorekeepers, got kicked due inactivity during my trial period had school’n stuff and didn’t tell the officers also was kind of tired of cataclysm at that point.
Because I Backtraced it, Here I’m at the moment but I’m looking for a PvE oriented guild.
What raiding experience do you have:
Vanilla: UBRS (if it counts) & 1 boss in ZG’
TBC: Kara, Gruul, Maggy, ZA, 3 out of 4 in TK
Naxxramas 10/25 cleared
Ulduar 10/25 cleared (10m-drake)
ToC 10/25 cleared (10m-insanity) (4/5 hc 25m)
ICC 10/25 cleared (10m drake & 11/25 25 HC)
RS 10/25 cleared normal
What kind of PC and connection do you have:
AMD x4 3.4 ghZ
Geforce GTX460 1GB
4 GB ram
50 mb down/20 mb up
We raid 3 times a week; Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays and we require people to atleast raid these days. Can you raid these days?: Yes, most of the weeks with a few exceptions.
Do you speak and understand English since this is the language spoken during raid? Yes, I do.
Can you handle criticism and do you use this to improve your general performance?
I can handle criticism and trying to pick it up and the unjust criticism am I just ignoring.
Tell us something about yourself: I’m a 16 y/o guy that is turning 17 in the beginning of 2011. I study technology & programming at high school. At my spare time I enjoy floorball, gaming, and spending time with my friends. I see myself as a sprightful guy that spread life and joy around me. I take raiding seriously and sees it as an experience that can be used in other situation then just in the game, it gives a lot for me as long as the community is strong and everyone is working for the better good of us.
I’ve been playing this game since the Christmas just before I turned 12 with different sized breaks now and then. I enjoy both PvE and PvP but my heart has always beated stronger for PvE. Since the release of WotLK I mainly have been playing restoration druid. And I can barely wait for this PvE season to begin for my part.
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