Name: Iktankniet
Class: Paladin
Spec: Retribution main, Holy offspec.
Armoury link: (making application at work, so cannot link it. will add it when im at home)
Professions: JC / BS
Why are u applying to Revenant: Well, i was raiding with your guys since you had empty spots last weekend, and it felt good to raid again at high level and still having fun. Truly missed it!
Is there anyone in Revenant who can vouch for you: This is gonna be a long list if i fill in all the names. Shouldnt be too hard to remember me as the lame ret paladin
Previous guild. Why did u leave/ got kicked: Omega went dead and stays dead afaik. So i left and joined Revenant as social.
What raiding experience you have: Killed LK on 25m normal and did about 9/12 heroic + the 4% wipes on Sindra ofc
What kind of PC and connection do you have: always been stable. hasnt changed.
We raid 3 times a week; tuesdays, thursdays and sundays and we require people to atleast raid these days. Can you raid these days?: Shouldnt be a problem. Only issue would be in december with some family days, but thats it.
Do you speak and understand english since this is the langauge spoken during raid? I can understand Zraqu. If you can understand that retard, you can understand them all
Can you handle critisism and do you use this to improve your general performance? If you see a mistake or a point to improve me, tell me and ill look into it.
Tell us something about yourself: Most of you know me as the annoying ret pala who was earlier in Revenant. I switched to Omega, but that was a big mistake. Its a good guild with nice ppl, but just not my group of ppl. Also, i miss THE one and only good raidleader, the paladin which does nothing but righteousness. you all know who i mean
(i got to suck up a bit, dont blame me!)
So if you would consider accepting me(again) as a trial/raider, you would get the dedicated ret paladin back to teach bosses a lesson that they cannot mess with paladins
Yours truly,